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Professional Learning & Presentations

Conference presentations and attendance

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Attended only - International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference (Jun '24)

CTF / CTS Conference (Calgary Regional Consortium) - Designing a course in Computational Thinking (May '24)

ISTE Global Impact Conference - Virtual Reality for Computational Thinking (April '24) Video | Presentation

Westcast 2024 (University of Calgary) - AI Tools for Teacher Efficacy (April '24)
Calgary Regional Consortium - Scratch for Computational Thinking (Spring '24) Part 1 | Part 2

BCScTA Catalyst Conference - Teaching Virtual Reality Coding using Cospaces:Edu (Oct '23) 
ATLE Convergence Conference - Student facilitated session on learning Micro:Bits (Oct '23)
ATLE Convergence Conference - Mixed Reality in Classrooms (Oct '23)
ATLE Convergence Conference - Drones for Computational Thinking (Oct '23)

Attended only - Canvas InstructureCon Denver (Jul '23)
Attended only - Global Online Academy Conference (Jun '23)


CBE (Woodlands School) - Digital Citizenship information session for parents (May '23)
Rundle College Society PD - Minecraft for Classroom Engagement (Feb '23)
Let's Talk Science - Fuel Classroom Creativity and Innovation Using Tech (Mar '23)
AISCA Conference -  Coding for Literacy (Feb '23)
ATLE Convergence Conference - Python for Middle Schoolers (Oct '22)
Let's Talk Science - Discover Data Representation using GoogleMyMaps (Sep '22)


WestCast 2022 (Saskatchewan) - Let's Get Coding (Feb '22)
Calgary Regional Consortium - Teaching Digital Citizenship (Nov '21)
Calgary Regional Consortium - Getting started with Computational Thinking & Coding in your classroom (Nov '21)
ATLE Convergence Conference - Scratch.. Some More (Oct '21)


SSHRC Connections Project - Play and Early Learning Think Tank (2019) - Facilitator
AISCA Conference - Advocating for Balance in the Age of Screen Time (Feb '20)
CodeBreaker EDU Summer Camp - Pedagogy meets the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Aug '21)
ATLE Conference - Advocating for Balance in the Age of Screen Time (Oct '19)
Westcast 2019 - So you think you can Escape: Escape Rooms & Curriculum (Feb '19)


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