Teaching Philosophy

Scratch Introduction
Grade Level
Grade 7
1 Lesson
In this lesson...
In this lesson, students are introduced to Scratch, the block-coding program.

Developed by:
Sue Mylde
Essential Questions
Learning Outcomes
Based on the Alberta Education ICT Program of Studies
C1 - Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies.
3.3 access and operate multimedia applications and technologies from stand-alone and online sources
3.5 analyze and synthesize information to create a product
C6 - Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems.
3.1 articulate clearly a plan of action to use technology to solve a problem
3.2 identify the appropriate materials and tools to use in order to accomplish a plan of action
3.3 evaluate choices and the progress in problem solving, then redefine the plan of action as appropriate
3.4 pose and test solutions to problems by using computer applications, such as computer-assisted design or simulation/modelling software
Alberta Education Student Competencies Overview
Collaboration, Communication, Curiosity, Creativity, Innovation, Problem Solving, Managing Information
Positive attitude to problems (perseverance)
Positive risk-taking
Alberta Education Student Competencies Overview
Collaboration, Communication, Curiosity, Creativity, Innovation, Problem Solving, Managing Information
Positive attitude to problems (perseverance)
Positive risk-taking